Why Do We Have Allergies ?

We are all energy. Everything is energy. Everything we come into contact with has it’s own energetic configuration, a vibration or harmonic. This configuration makes a tomato a tomato and a dog a dog.

When we come in contact with foods and other things in the environment, there is a merging of this energy with our own. When these two energies are combined,

if they are good for us, we resonate with them; they can have a harmonious interaction

if bad, a not so harmonious reaction. This is how our body knows the difference between a poison and a food. (Possibly the beginning of an allergic response.)

The <strong>immune system </strong>decides what is good and bad based on thousands of interactions with the substance. An ‘allergic reaction’ is the body trying to protect itself from something it deems is bad. It’s that simple.

The problem arises when something that is good winds up on the bad list, a basic food first, then the list grows because the body’s decision making process is compromised.

Let me say this a different way. The immune system is like a Bouncer at a club, that strong powerful guy at the front door that lets the good guys in and keeps the bad ones out. The immune system works the same way. It has a good list and a bad list based on the energetic imprint and lots of past experience.

If you’re on the good list, you’re allowed free and easy access. If you’re on the bad list, you simply don’t get in. And if you do sneak in somehow, they call the cops and you get thrown out and it’s not a pretty interaction.

<strong>Sounds like a good system?</strong>

And it was for a while. The system worked for many thousands of years until our scientists started inventing thousands of new chemicals, new poisons, new products, new fertilizers, new elements, new molds, new viruses, new antibiotics, new bacteria, new toxins, new pollutants and new diseases.

These were not on any list, good or bad and were allowed easy access into the body and reeked havoc to our health. Or they reacted violently. Either way, this was not good and allergies flourished.

On top of that, man played G-d and changed the underlying DNA structure of the cells in our food system, thus creating new foods (GMOs), genetically modified organisms, that the body could not recognize. This creates chaos in the body.

And because the government doesn’t have to tell you which products have them, you are being exposed to more and more of these. They are everywhere. Don’t let me get started on that subject.

You see, normally it takes many generations for the immune system to categorize the different elements into friends or foes. Since all these new substances were created in such a short period of time, the immune system gets overwhelmed and confused and can’t do the job it was intended to do, to protect the body.

<strong>Why allergies are so prevalent today?</strong>

Because of this, we are affected more and more by our environment; we’re simply more allergic now than we were in the past; and it’s getting worse each and every day.

– The foods we eat bother us (nuked, sprayed and fertilized)

– The air we breath sickens us (polluted, radiated and stripped of oxygen)

– We put all kinds of products on our body’s to clean, soften and beautify that are full of chemicals that are not natural to our body

– We brush our teeth with products we can’t swallow

– We put gook in our hair and makeup on our face.


Have you looked at the ingredients on some of those things. I can’t even pronounce what’s in them; do you think it’s good for you.

– We wash our clothes in detergent that was made in a lab with chemicals that are harmful

– We soften the clothes with fabric softener

– We bleach our hair and paint our nails with toxins and the list goes on and on.

– Even the water we drink and bathe in has hundreds of chemicals that weren’t in water a century ago.


And what about the prescription drugs that we take. All those drugs wind up in our water supply. Where do you think those drugs go after we swallow them? Through the body and down the toilet into the water supply. And those that get free drugs from their doctor and don’t take. They’re flushed down the toilet right into the same ground water that your drinking water comes from. Even the bottled water companies get their water from the very same source as the water company. And worse, the water filtration plants don’t filter out the drugs. Just lead and arsenic and a couple of more that the government says are hazardous.

Who thought a hundred years ago that we would have to buy water, and the water coming out of our tap could be harmful? What happens now? Could any of these steal away our life essence and make us more allergic. You better believe it.

<strong>Why allergies cause problems in the body and the immune system.</strong>

The real problem occurs when the allergen is <strong>not a poison,</strong> it’s a basic food. When this happens, most of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients are not absorbed correctly and inhibits healing and health.

Once allergies are eliminated, our bodies can to operate at peak performance. Our filtering system can combat all the new toxins.

We will now have much more energy to handle this extra toxic burden. And if we ignore it, we’ll just get sicker and sicker.

<strong>Look around you, it’s already happening.</strong>

It’s not easy to stay healthy, especially if you have allergies. Get rid of your allergies today.

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